

In the first century BC, the oppidum of Bibracte on Mount Beuvray situated in the heart of Burgundy was the first capital of the Aedui, a powerful Gallic tribe. Bibracte was surrounded by a 5 km long wall and had a population estimated to five to ten thousands inhabitants.

The city wall

The ancient town of Bibracte was surrounded by a wall. The gate to the city at the end of the road, which leads to the excavation site, has been reconstructed using the original principle of murus gallicus, stone and wood in alternation. © Bibracte, Antoine Maillier

A permanent archeological excavation

Bibracte is a unique place to study the modalities of the first contacts between the Gauls and the Romans. In an extraordinary forest setting, an ancient town (houses, fortification, public buildings, monumental gates, etc.) is being brought to light year after year under the trowel of  archaeologists. It testifies the growing influence of Romanization.

A museum

At the museum, located at the foot of the site, Bibracte's life story, tumultuous despite its brevity, is presented. The European-scale urban phenomenon to which Bibracte belonged is discovered through objects, models and multimedia devices. Each year, a temporary exhibition highlights a new aspect of protohistoric archaeology.

A research Centre

The European archaeological centre adjoining the site of Bibracte provides researchers and their students with site equipment, laboratories, work rooms, documentation centre, etc...